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To help protect your dealership during this difficult time

With the ongoing CDK Global cyber incident, phishing scams, and attempts to trick employees through communications, it is now more important than ever to have strong email security solutions. As experts, we want to help you protect your company and employees, and safeguard your consumer data. CORO and ComplyAuto have teamed up for a special solution for dealerships.

Email Protection - Coro conducts email scans for potential threats like phishing, user & domain impersonation, malware, and ransomware, and automatically remediates any identified threats. This drastically cuts the time your IT security team needs to spend managing email security.

Phishing Simulations - 91% of ransomware and data breaches start by an employee succumbing to a phishing attack. ComplyAuto has dealer-specific templates, an easy-to-use interface, and testing and training systems to help your staff avoid falling for phishing scams.

FTC Safeguards Rule Compliance -  Automated information security & incident response policy building, guided risk assessments, employee training, vendor management, phishing and interactive data mapping. The platform is designed to ensure dealerships are complying with the basics of the revised GLBA Safeguards Rule.

50-State Data Breach Reporting Tool -  Use ComplyAuto's data breach reporting wizard to automatically determine your reporting obligations under both state and federal law.

Contact us today for more details. No billing information required. Limitations and terms and conditions apply.